597 the Kingdom of Kent [note: Kent is the region or county] converts to Christianity. Boring.
1170 Thomas Becket, then Archbishop of Canterbury is murdered in Canterbury Cathedral, beheaded by followers of Henry II. Uh, apparently Mr. Becket angered His Majesty. The Cathedral becomes a place of pilgrimage for many Christians soon after. Boring.
1300s Chaucer writes the Canterbury Tales and high school students the world over have since been made to memorize this: Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote /The droghte of March hath perced to the roote. Ah, Middle English. Fabulous. Nay, boring.
1564 Elizabethan playwright Christopher Marlowe, contemporary of that other famous playwright, is born in Canterbury. Boring.
1977 Orlando Bloom is born in Canterbury. And yes, for those who are curious, he is occasionally seen here. Yum. Definitely not boring.

This is a typical street scene in Canterbury. The Cathedral is huge and yet within the town proper it's actually hard to see:
This is what Canterbury looks like from the campus of the University of Kent. The Cathedral would be the predominant feature, were it not for your inept photographer and the hazy day:
And this is what it looks like when you try to take a picture of yourself and your girlfriend with Canterbury as a backdrop:
And here is what a mailbox looks like in Canterbury [and all of the UK, I think]:
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